
Alongside the educational seminars, we organize informative workshops with topics based on current events and the needs of each business.
Participation in the workshops is free, but registration is required.
Indicative subjects:
- 5+1 questions before starting your own business
- Financing opportunities for new and existing business
- Social Media for New Business
On-demand Workshops!
At the same time, we organize intra-company workshops for the executives of the companies to which we provide accounting and consulting services. Each workshop is created targeting the current needs of the specific business.
It refers to a set of employees of the same company, not necessarily from the same workplace, but who face the same need for training in a specialized subject.
Our company is based on know-how in the field of diagnosis of educational needs, complete and comprehensive thematic areas, cooperation with experienced and well-qualified lecturers, as well as on the possibility of providing integrated services for the organization of such a specialized program.
Indicative subjects:
- Organization of the HR department
- Organization of business accounting office
Contact person: Matina Polychronidou & Dimitra Giannareli
📞Telephone 2310285861 & 2310320926